Lin Zhipeng (aka No.223)
The Delaware Contemporary
July 8 - October 31, 2019
Curated by Willie Yao
The Delaware Contemporary美国特拉华当代艺术馆将于2019年7月8日向公众呈现中国青年艺术家编号223(林志鹏)的个人艺术摄影展“AMPHIBIAN RELATIONSHIPS(两栖关系)”。作为特拉华当代艺术馆中美艺术文化交流计划中的重要项目之一,本次展览亦是艺术家在美国首次个人艺术展。展览作品以纪实又解构的独特摄影视角,再一次剖析都市人类情感,揭示人们渴求在不同文化背景、交流逻辑、认同观念、生存规范和情绪状态中的发散和游离,记录那些在通过极端环境中的灰度和巡回阈值间所表达出来的真实欲念和缠动,最终定向于一种矛盾又适应的现实本质。本次展览展出编号223在中美两地专属创作的40余幅全新作品,展览持续至2019年10月31日。
正如非凡的美国当代摄影艺术家William Eggleston通过对色彩结构、生活物资和平凡人物的精巧设计构图与捕摄,带给当时公众惊悚和无可名状的胶片作品,而沉淀到今天看来又至始至终地透露着绝妙和隽典;出生于Eggleston扬名立万的上个世纪70年代末的编号223,在相对意义上,同样是一名出色的深谙色块构图、人物速写和记叙型生活细节的描绘者。自2004年起,编号223就开始用摄影来和深层探讨、承载和传递某一类文字无法名状的情绪,他用大量真朴且虚实有效的镜头语言,探讨不同时度和空间中人事物的关系——水果与杯盏的关系、桌椅与床榻的关系、灯火与夜浪的关系、住客与酒店套房的关系、阳具与蕾丝布料的关系……荒诞、戏谑、悬疑而又日常,反映的却正是所有成年人珍视的无可巡溯的青春本质——这也成为编号223作品中,主位讨论的一则议题。在媒体人、作家、独立出版人的身份与职能并存和过渡之后,编号223已经逐渐掌控了自由穿行本我世界的两栖话语权和规则:既主动出发挖寻自我和世界的真相,也在用不同的着眼视角来静伺周遭百态。
编号223循守潜意识拍摄的自律,“我常常会独自思考时间的意义”,他热衷于城市生活、派对旅行、美食和情感交流,却又时刻不忘记录那些微妙的偶得与不凡,取景器帮助完成“What You See Is What You Get”(所见即所得),而胶片相机则还原了一切初出。编号223最为推崇的、极具影响力的德国当代摄影艺术家Wolfgang Tillmans在与Art Review的记者Martin Herbert的一次采访对谈中曾相当直白地提及其创作的坚持,“I insist that what you see somehow was in front of the lens. I want people to trust this as a basic given.”——这便是这类忠于揭剖不饰真实的艺术创作者的凿凿独白,哪怕是任意一种记录对象间的关系:对立、倾斜、并存、交纵、容融……在原始的曝光之下,所有的光影都会被巨细靡遗地表达,所有的隐匿情绪也无处遁行,最终裸实地铺展在观者的面前。
Documentary: STAGED & HIDDEN 人物之际——编号223的私密舞台
The Delaware Contemporary presents an exhibition of 40 new works created in both China and the United States by Chinese contemporary artist, No. 223 (a.k.a. Zhipeng LIN) as part of an initiative promoting cultural exchange. Amphibian Relationships marks the first solo exhibition of No. 223's works in the United States. The featured works represent the status of divergence and dissociation under different cultural backgrounds as it effects identity, living conditions, and emotional linkages. Urban emotions are dissected through a documentary lens and the scope of deconstruction by recording raw, honest desires.
The work of No. 223 finds affinity with American photographer William Eggleston through storytelling with color, composition, portraiture, or details of life. Since 2004, No. 223 started using photography to share emotions and personal narratives. His visual language employs simplicity, often blurring the images to explore the relationship between people and utilitarian items in different times and places. For example, the relationship between fruit and glass, the connection of table, chair, and bed, the association of lights and shadows cast at night. The linkage of sexual organs and lace fabric create a disconnection of the absurd or the suspicious that reflect the untraceable youth of all adults. Following his various roles as media practitioner, author, and independent publisher, No, 223 gradually learned the amphibious voices and rules lingering between his own artistic world and the outside world. Those voices led him to dig for the truth of oneself and of the world, while absorbing different perspectives to calm the exterior spirit of events.
While No. 223 is passionate about time alone, he is equally passionate about urban life, travel, food, and communicating emotional ties, never forgetting to record those subtle and extraordinary occasions with his camera. His motto is "What You See Is What You Get." One of No. 223's influential German contemporary photographers, Wolfgang Tilmans, once expressed during an interview with Art Review, "I insist that what you see somehow was in front of the lens. I want people to trust this as a basic given." This statement underscores the notion that artists remain loyal to cross-examination and exposing the truth of human relationships and hidden emotions. As such, No. 223 invites the viewer to consider his views, however opposing, that lead to coexistence and tolerance.
Curated by Willie Yao, China Initiatives Creative-in-Residence