林志鹏 编号223 个人展
223 @ M97 


M97画廊很荣幸地带来了林志鹏 (编号223)的个人摄影展,这次展览会展出他10多年以来的摄影创作,也是编号223在M97的第一次个人展览。林志鹏因为拍摄中国非传统青年和青年亚文化而出名,画廊里面将展出40多张他的彩色作品,这些精选的作品,是林志鹏通过他的镜头记录的周遭寻常事物的美好,同时也表达出了他强烈的个人情感和审美观。展览将于2017年6月3日开幕展出至8月13日。


林志鹏命名自己“编号223”,是因为王家卫的重庆森林电影里面的警察角色,他的大部分摄影角色中的人物亦运用了港式电影人物的那种诗意与梦幻的风格,并且带有一点孤独与神秘的氛围和色彩。林志鹏的创作灵感来自于20世纪欧洲摄影艺术家们的作品,包括 Guy Bourdin,Wolfgang Tillmans,Juergen Teller等,他则提出了他对于中国传统文化背景下的另类青年精神和文化的个人观点。他源于自发的作品描绘了沉迷于爱与生活的年轻一代,那些人们徘徊在欢腾的派对与深深的忧愁之间,沉浸于有趣的性爱和在不断变化的社会中渴望被爱的情绪之中。

LIN ZHIPENG (aka No. 223) solo exhibition

223 @ M97

M97 is pleased to present Lin Zhipeng (aka No.223) solo exhibition, 223 @ M97 - the first solo exhibition at the gallery for the artist. Famous for his portrayal of unconventional Chinese youth, the exhibition presents some 50 photographs depicting his quotidian surroundings through the prism of beauty and emotion. The exhibition will run from June 3 - August 13, 2017 in M97’s 2nd Floor “Project Space”, with an opening reception for the artist on June 3 from 5-7pm.

Lin Zhipeng is a leading figure of new Chinese photography emerging in the last decade, popularizing his work originally via social media and other online platforms as well as his self-published zines. Lin’s work has come to reflect and define a certain zeitgeist of the post-80’s and 90’s generation of non-mainstream Chinese youth. Amidst an otherwise conservative and often closed traditional society and cultural background, Lin’s photographs act as a collective not-so-private diary of a young generation wishing to escape the pressures from a high-stakes society and play within its limits. Faded flowers tangled with flesh tones, myriad patterns mixing with an emotional ambiguity of both love and chaos, fantasy and eroticism. 223’s works are saturated with a soft sense of carefreeness, a playful innocence, and a certain optimism amidst a hedonist lifestyle going against the expected pleasures and entrapments of the middle class dream.

Naming himself “No. 223” after the police character in Wong Kar-Wai’s movie Chungking Express, Lin Zhipeng also adopts a sense of the Hong Kong director’s poetic and dreamy atmosphere as well as the loneliness and mystery of many of his film’s characters. Working from inspirations of the likes of Guy Bourdin, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Juergen Teller, Lin Zhipeng offers his point of view on an alternative youth spirit and culture in an often conservatively Chinese cultural context. His spontaneous photographs portray a young generation who indulge in love and life, oscillating between jubilation and deep melancholy, playful sexuality and often just the simple human need to be loved in an otherwise indifferent and ever-changing society.
